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The Tea: Power & Love and Hip Hop


So....... we are down to the final few .........SIKE!!!! I know you were looking for the tea on all of this drama by

my title but, why did that attract you? . Okay I get it, it's the one of the only things that the brown/black community have, but why do we allow people to perceive us this way. Think about t. If they didn't have fan ratings, their show would be cancelled.

This is not a lecture, just a way to dig deeper in understanding this world we live in. So me and my scholars were talking about wars and relating General McClellan to a noise talker off Instagram. We discussed how he wasn't "bout' that life" and fleed the war because "he aint' want no smoke" and was scared. I begin to think, why can youth relate to such drama at 12 years of age. Just ten years ago they were jamming in their Terrible Two's. What are we teaching the Future Leaders of the World? Too many 20 (something) year olds and older are aspiring to be a part of LHH, Bad Girls Club and be a Hot girl. What in the hell is apiring about being a:

-LHH (ratchet, loud mouth rapper/singer, or baby mamma)

-Bad Girls Club (loud mouth highest ranked ass-whooper)

-Hot Girl (barely clothed twerker on her block)

I cracked myself up writing some of these, but seriously........ why do SOME (not all) young/old women aspire to be these superficial scripted people on TEL-A-VISION? (Yes spelled it "incorrectly" on purpose.

On TEL-A-VISION, thugs are black, black women are single baby mothers, black women are the caregivers with a deadbeat boyfriend/husband, black children are extremely difficult to raise, black hair is too terrible to manage so we perm and bleach, OH!!!! and this one tops it off.............. Black Men are blessed downstairs but are deadbeat dads, fatherless, rappers and drug dealers.

LOL, yeap I said it, so I know you have started, but every day is black History, black history does not need a month just dedicated communities composed of parents, families, teachers, students and other community leaders to teach each other about the Black/Brown contributions of our people.

I know I talked a lot, but pass it along every day is a day for history!

-Signed, a crazy History Teacher

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