This is exactly when I cried to my then boyfriend, JayBae. It was my final year in college and just two months before the Spring Semester started, an off-duty police officer hit me full speed as I was coming to my dorm from work.
By now, you know that I am a University of Southern Mississippi, but what you didn't know was that my freshmen year in college I lived on campus but for the next three years I would live in my own apartment, until senior year. I felt that in my senior year it would be less pressure, If I worked my current three jobs but moved back on campus to avoid the extra bills.
Well I did move back on campus that fall of my senior year but near the end, my very first car (paid by me $325) was totalled thanks to this accident. It was a blessing though, because the note was killing my pockets. Not to mention I still had trauma from the previous years wreck.( P.S. none were my fault, literally a god-given accident). So now, NO CAR.
Got a letter in the mail sometime over the break, that my financial aid was not enough for me to attend classes in the Spring semester. Guess What? Now my dorm has been given away, and by now its January and I already let one of my three jobs go. NO PLACE
School by now has been in session for two weeks, and I am still not in my senior classes. I was trying to contact teachers to let them know there was a delay in the financial aid office, but of course they didn't want to hear that/ Third week of school and still NOT ENROLLED.
How did this change? I asked a friend of mine who if she had church on a Tuesday and just so happen this friend of mine's COGIC church was having revival. I wasn't a member but I was there for the rest of the week. With hard prayer, faith, and my mommy I was back in school, sleeping on a friends floor from January to Graduation, I graduated!!, and.... I end up with another car thanks to my family. My JayBae and I hatched out our issues literally with just better communication, and my family held me down and fixed our issues with each other. Long story short, Praise be to ALLAH!!
-Allah's Educated,Dedicated, Motivated, Loving Daughter of Exit & Wanda