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Unh Unh, Here she go Preaching


The crazy days of Ms. L aka Mrs. LeFlore but sometimes, Ms. LeFlora, LeFlo, or occasionally, Ms. B. So as many times as kids cry, scream, make joke, talk hit,and sometimes incomplete their work, t never gets old. The question is, why do you like this crazy job? To be honest one big reason is the ability to be in a position to do one main thing 24/7, TALK! No really, No Cap. (courtesy of my scholars, it means no lies).

Now, there are often days when I preach on their immature moments, the importance of education, and how history is a constant impact on the future, but I've learned that children will listen to what you invest in them.

Okay I'm boring you, now here's something to liven' this thing up.

Student's will amaze you. It's funny when I come in to work with the A1 professional me. You know: Business casual with heels, on time, mind ready to be the teacher I seen on tv, work is prepped..... you know, the whole nine. Well, I'm teaching in class one day, and I begin reviewing notes. When I peaked up from my notes to see if they were writing, they all look like they are casting for the Walking DEAD.

Of course I say, extremely country, "What's wrong with yall? Yall that tired or am I boring you that bad?" One brave kid yelled across my room, "Noll it aint that. You just sound all boring and educational. We like it when you relate it to us and talk hood." Other kids starting saying, "Mmmmmmm, we like it when you ratchet. Its funny, and we understand the material better." Me looking confused, " I said, wait what? You like it when I'm hood? Yall wildin' " All of a sudden they began to talk hell-a-loud saying, "Ratchet it way better." "It's more fun when she act hood" "The hood you have us actually care but these old folks".

In that moment, I took my heels off, and started explaining"beef" in between two nations. We even dived a bit deeper and talked about backstabbers, petty people, and how some of our previous founding fathers were "capping" when it came to the Native Americans.

These kiddos surprise me every day, But that I walked away with a lesson. People are different and there's nothing wrong with doing things differently if they are impactful. Be you and bring something different and impactful to your life or the lives you influence.

-Signed BossBee

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