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My dad always told me, you do not have romance without finance. Now don't confuse what my daddy said for being a gold digger, but he was telling me to be secure, in other words make sure he can "secure the bag". A man who cannot financially support is a boy. Men are seen as the bread-winners of a home and as soon as he stops contributing to his household the term man begins to fade in his "description". Let's be honest you are not gone brag about "my man", "my king", and in some freaky cases, "my DADDY LOL ", if he is not providing some type of financial support.

In the family setting, the children will see him as the housewife and the mom as the bread-winner. Respect will change for both parents and this will influence their child's future. However, you don't marry for the money, you marry the MAN who takes initiative to make the money. A man without hustle,initiative or interest in making money, is a grown boy with a caregiver. In a woman's mind it has now become evident that you my good sir, is another child.

For things to work in a relationship/marriage, the individuals possess dedication. If there is a financial strain on the relationship,it will not be peace, only stress and a jacked up commitment.

-Signed the Working Wife of a Working Man (this was cheesy LOL)

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